At the beginning of the month I had purchased a kit that would make a gingerbread train. A few days later Owen and I were in the grocery store and I pointed out the kit to him...thinking he would be so excited and then I could surprise him at home...not so...all did not go according to plan. He told me in no uncertain terms that he hoped no one got that for him because "we ALWAYS do a gingerbread HOUSE in our family and that is our TRAMDITIONS". Not wanting to be a mama who messes with tramditions, I bought the house kit and put the train one away and out of sight.
Each year this gets easier and easier. The kit came with icing already bagged, several types of candy, 3 gingerbread people, 1 gingerbread tree and a PRE-ASSEMBLED much easier could it get? I have got to say, as wonderful as home baking is, the pre-assembled house is the way to go with a 4 year old because we could get right to the decorating...which really is the best part.
The house has sat proudly as our table centerpiece for the last 2 weeks and today New Year's Day it was dis-assembled. Owen has removed most of the candy, given one of the people to his sister to eat and tried to gnaw off some of the icing icicles.
Getting started:
Isabelle taking it all in...she is at a dump and pour stage so we thought it best that she play more of an observer role than active participant...she was not bothered in the least by this.
Close to being finished. I realized that I did not get a final shot of it before it was eaten today...the final product had one gingerbread person straddling the roof...this was really looked great!
Only 9 more days until Christmas!
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