Owen went straight to the toy chest in her front hall and got out all of his favourites, I remember fondly the toys that my grandparents used to have and think it is so nice that my kids will have the same memories as they grow up.
We opened prezzies with mom and we all got well and truly spoiled. She bought an AMAZING teaching globe for Owen and he just loves it. Isabelle is loving her new books....and by loving I mean eating. And to top it off she gave another gift certificate for Adrian and I to "get away' for a weekend. We loved the last one in September and are so thrilled with this one too...we love you mom...thanks!!!
We gave my mom a joint gift with my brother's family...it was from all her grandkids really. 6 frames with black and white photos of each grandchild...there are only 5 grandkids right now so I substituted an ultrasound photo for Jason and Bridget's baby due in Feb. Mom really was touched...so nice to give at Christmas...especially to someone who loves to give so much herself.
Isabelle feeding herself mashed potatoes...got a little messy but she enjoyed it.
Isabelle and daddy playing:
We ended the evening with mom reading to Owen...mom and dad started a love of books in me and Owen shares that love...so happy to capture this peaceful moment.
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