All good things must come to an end and my time at home is no excpetion. It was with a heavy heart that I left the house this morning to join the thousands of people making the commute to Toronto. I have been so blessed to have the time off with my children and I know that we all benefited from it.
It was a funny kind of morning because Adrian was home. He is travelling to the Boston area today and his car was not picking him up until after 9. It was nice for my first morning back to have some help with the kids. Adrian drove the kids to school and daycare and reported that they were both very happy...that makes it so much easier.
It really is culture shock to be back here after almost a year and a half. I had 3 months of bedrest before Isabelle was born, 12 months off on maternity leave with her, and 2 months of accrued vacation. There have been a million changes while I was gone and a million things have stayed the same. I always find it amazing how the sense of smell will bring me right back...I have heard that it is the sense most tied to memory. As I got in the elevator the same stale cigarette/coffee mixed with pine cleaner smell hit me like a wall, it was like I had never left. I have the strangest feeling of starting something brand new and coming home all together.
I have seen some friendly faces and after a few hours they have found me a desk and phone. I have a meeting today at 3:30 so I am all set...back at work.
~working mama~
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