Tuesday, January 1, 2008

December 11th - Wilmot Creek Christmas Party

Nana Carole lives in a wonderful community called Wimot Creek and each year they host an amazing Christmas party for the residents and all of their families. Last year it was cancelled due to construction. This year we were so thrilled that it was back on.

Sadly, Logan and Alison could not attend as Logan was under the weather. Owen, Isabelle and Skylar certainly had fun though and Santa had a special treat to give to Logan to ensure his speedy recovery.

The organizers go above and beyond to ensure everyone has a wonderful time...a balloon for every child, hot dogs, popcorn, candy floss and much more, tattoos, clowns, magicians, and a band...and to top it off...SANTA!

Isabelle with her balloon on a very long string:

Owen being very brave and getting an airbrushed batman tatoo:

The kids with Santa:
Nana Carole, Steve and Skylar with Santa:

Merry Christmas!

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