The kids winter activities are in full swing now. Ice skating on Wednesdays, swimming lessons on Fridays and gymnastics on Saturdays. It is nice that they are both happy to do the same activities right now and that we were able to schedule their lessons at the same time. Could not imagine having to shuffle 2 kids to different activities in one night.
Here are some pics of them at skating last night. My camera battery died before Bella got on the ice...but I will get some next week for sure. She is all decked out in new gear - helmet with cage, new pink mittens, pink fleecy sweater, pink long johns, pink splash pants and pink skates...that is right skates! Thank you daddy for picking those up! She did amazing! Fell quite a few times and cried a little cause her bum hurt, but kept on going. She has incredible balance and the teacher could not believe that she had never been on single blade skates before. Despite the sore tushy, she is excited for her next skating lessons.

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