Owen's Birthday
A diary of the day Oct.4.2009.
12:06am: exactly 6 years after he was born
8:00am: Opening cards with Mama, Daddy & Isabelle
8:14am: the excited face "but I can't do it any more mom cause it hurts too much"
9:12am: new Ben 10 costume. It was worn for the whole day. We think he likes it ;) Going Hero!
9:28am: "OK Mama, one more time, and then that's it!" (mama trying to get an artsy shot of him showing his age - and happy with the results :)
9:30am: a little breakfast - Frosted Flakes with Corn Flakes, eggs, applesauce, granola bar (ok a lot of breakfast!)

12:45pm: Nana Carole arrived and brought the coolest Ben 10 book. It was an instant hit!
1:00pm: Grandma arrives and brings a Star Wars volcano (super cool!) but no pic...sorry!
1:30pm: squeeze in a little healthy food (one bite of sandwich, one gummy worm)...it is his birthday after all!
1:30pm: squeeze in a little healthy food (one bite of sandwich, one gummy worm)...it is his birthday after all!
2:00pm: the party starts, friends arrive, kids make wands, general chaos in the house
2:30pm: Nana and Grandma take care of Oliver during the party - outside for his business, a couple of short walks...thank you both so much!!!
2:45pm: magic show! The Magician and his assistant
3:45pm: the last trick of the show. Needle through the balloon!
4:00pm: pizza arrives and there is a fleeting moment of silence
4:10pm: silence is over and chaos resumes
4:30pm: MONEY CAKE!!! Grandma made a Harry Potter money cake...it was awesome!
4:35pm: Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday dear Owen...Happy Birthday to you! Make a wish and blow out those candles!
5:00pm: parents arrive, kids leave, calmness returns to the Gill household
6:00pm: dinner
2:45pm: magic show! The Magician and his assistant
4:10pm: silence is over and chaos resumes
4:30pm: MONEY CAKE!!! Grandma made a Harry Potter money cake...it was awesome!
6:00pm: dinner
7:00pm: jammies, play with new games, open and assemble toys
8:00pm: start the bedtime routine
8:30pm: Bella is OUT! (no nap today so she was TIRED!)
9:00pm-11:00pm: lots of recapping of the day, stories told of the day he was born, many requests for more water, lights on / off, tickles, jammies on / jammies off, 1 more story, "but daddy, I am just too excited to sleep" was heard more than a few times...until finally....
11:00pm: finally asleep after a very wonderfully full birthday!
11:35pm: Mama takes a bunch of after party photos. Want to remember how great this day was. The wall of cards:
11:00pm: finally asleep after a very wonderfully full birthday!
6 is big!
6 is all day school.
6 is riding bikes with no training wheels.
6 is crossing the road all by yourself.
6 is calling on friends on the street without mama and daddy watching out the window.
6 is reading chapter books.
6 is using 2 hands to count your age.
6 is making your own bed.
6 is less meltdowns, more ability to control your emotions and use words to express yourself.
6 is walking the dog.
6 is reading books to your younger sister.
6 is still little too!
6 is still kissing and hugging mama and daddy in front of everyone before school.
6 is still needing a snuggle first thing in the morning.
6 is still loving stories read to you before bed.
6 is still wanting to be first; washing hands, getting up the stairs, in line at school...
6 is still liking being walked to school even though you could go on your own.
6 is still holding hands on walks in the neighbourhood.
6 is wonderful!
Owen, today you turned 6 and I still cannot believe that 6 years have passed since you were born a tiny wriggling 7lb baby. You are a funny, smart, serious, amazing boy and I am so happy that you are my son. You are the best big brother and Isabelle adores you. Daddy and I are so proud of you and love you so much. Happy 6th Birthday Owen! xoxoxoxoxo
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