Friday, May 15, 2009

Have Done

I am a list girl!
I make to-do lists at the end of every day so I can hit the ground running in the morning.
I make packing lists for weekends away.
I make grocery lists.
I make wish lists.
I make lists of things I want to do in my life.
I make weekend plans lists.
BUT….I have never, ever made a Have Done list. I was reading a wonderful blog this morning written by a woman who is starting a Do Less Revolution. Her theory is that we all do a lot, too much sometimes and we do not give ourselves credit for what we have accomplished in a day, a year, a lifetime. I think perhaps, that we are wired to be always looking forward, always yearning for more, always moving on to the next project. It is what pushes us to be better people…but just for kicks and giggles I decided to do a list this morning.

Here is my day from 6:10-7:39 – 1 hour and 29 minutes...

Wake up. Delight that Bella has slept in her own bed all night and only cried once, settling herself back to sleep. Review in head last nights bedtime routine and commit it to memory – hoping it will work again tonight. Sit with Bella as she tries to pee on potty – sing songs, read 1 book. Talk with her about how big girls pee on the toilet. No pee. Hope that there is not an accident this morning on the floor. Get Bella dressed, read 2 books, count her jumping on her bed naked inbetween putting on each article of clothing. Change 2 of her drawers over from winter to summer clothing. Check time:
6:44am – gotta get a move on, want to leave work early today, so I have to get to work early. Open blinds in Bella’s room, straighten her bed. Open blinds in Owen’s room, open window – take a moment to breathe in the wonderful warmish spring air. Help Owen make his bed. Kick self for not getting my clothing out last night and for not showering last night. Wash hair in sink – wrap in towel. Chat with Adrian about his plans for tonight. Wash face, brush teeth, put cream on face. Kiss Adrian goodbye. Make bed. Turn on TV to check weather, 19 today, rainy tomorrow. Urge Owen to get dressed in warmer clothes than he has chosen (shorts and tshirt). Get clothes for today. Look at pants that are still too small and hope that they will fit in June. Smile at how my clothes today feel and look. Beat self up about food yesterday – vow to drink lots of water today to flush out system. Choose jewelry. Sing to Bella, play Push Kids Down on freshly made bed while getting dressed. Delight in their laughter and remind myself that moments like this are more important than having a beautiful bed. Remake bed. Check time:
7:08am – wow, where does the time go...really late now! Talk with Owen about how he has a 4 day weekend, mommy has a 3 day weekend and daddy has a 2 day weekend. Demonstrate this with fingers. Not really sure he gets it. Make Owen breakfast (over easy eggs and toast). Make Isabelle breakfast (1/2 banana and porridge). Make Owen porridge, Bella’s must have looked yummy. Take Belle to potty – listen while she pees – WOO HOO – celebration! Clean out potty, be thankful for Lysol wipes – wash hands. Make my breakfast (special K + All Bran + ½ banana + 1% milk). Eat. Read 3 headlines in newspaper while eating. Take towel out of hair and dry hair – not a good hair day. OOPS...forgot the vitamins. Let kids choose their colour today, gulp my 3 vitamins with too little water...yuck! Listen to Owen read sentences from work brought home from school yesterday. Play shoe game with Isabelle (she tries on all the family shoes and I have to guess who she is). Chat with Nora about her weekend plans and make plan to be home by 2:30 today so she can get to GO train on time. Remember to pull out new scavenger hunt lists that I made yesterday and attach to clipboards for the kids trip to park today. Brush teeth again. Throw load of clothes in washing machine. Open window in laundry room cause it smells like poo. Make a mental note to buy draino – sure that poo smell is coming from sink – likely due to a toilet training accident. Remember to pack snack of fruit for work. Call mom to check on her from last night (her car broke down at our house and had to be towed and I drove her home – wanted to be sure she found a way to work). Hugs and kisses to both kids. Put on shoes, grab purse and laptop. Get in car. Check time:

I suspect that many of your mornings were just like this, filled with mini-decisions, rushing around and brain-activity far beyond what it should be in a pre-caffiene state. Give yourself a pat on the back the next time you think "I just didn't get anything done" and make a Have Done list documenting how much you actually did get done.

Happy Friday!

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