Owen @ 5 1/2 years
- totally into Ben 10, the TV show -likes to "play" Ben 10 "Mom - you be Gwen and I will be Ben"
- when 'calling' it, must say the following "I'm Ben 10 - called it - lock it in my pocket"
- working on the behaviour required to earn DS play time
- learned to ride a 2-wheeler without any adult help and has not looked back once
- learned how to fix the chain on his 2-wheeler when it falls off from going too fast
- gaining a bit of freedom in the neighbourhood, can cross the street on his own and go to Jackson's without adult supervision (mama still watches from the window though)
- is super helpful and sweet with Isabelle - most of the time :)
- has decided that toast is his favourite food and has eaten 8 pieces for breakfast two days in a row in the last week
- favourite saying "Prove It". Here is a conversation we had on the way home from TBall last night:
Owen: Can we get a donut from Tim Hortons please?
Me: You played great tonight buddy! Sure, you can have a donut or you can have the Kit Kat you bought at the snack bar. But only 1 - you have to choose.
Owen: Donut please!
Me: OK. You will have to eat it in the car on the way home. Bella has a sore belly and I am not going to get her one. Please do not tell her that we went to Timmys.
Owen: Why not?
Me: Because it will hurt her feelings.
Isabelle @ 2 1/2 years
- remembering to use the toilet most of the time - only wears pull-ups to bed now
- likes to wear a "princess dress" every day
- says "I not a buddy! I a girl" when I say "Hi my little buddy"
- is doing the same puzzles that Owen did at this age: 20-40 pieces. Now we have 2 puzzle masters in the house
- can recognize most of the letters in the alphabet and has an association for each one: O is for Owen, I is for Isabelle, M is for Mama, D is for Dada, G is for Grandma, P is for Papa, N is for Nora and Nana, U is for ung-brella, V is for guitar (and then mimics a person playing a violin while singing plinky-plinky-plink)
- enjoys playing games with Owen; enjoys doing anything with Owen - she idolizes her older brother
- loves to tell knock knock jokes that she hears Owen telling. Most recent favourite"
Bella: Knock Knock
Me: Who's there?
Bella: Boo
Me: Boo who?
Bella: (laughing) I don't peek owl.
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