He had his current favourite breakfast to start the day: Corn Flakes, Mama Muffin, Applesauce & Chocolate Almond Milk

He posed on the stairs with his sister

He has a new backpack, lunchbox and shoes

He walked to school in the morning

He said
hello to friends

He hugged his sister goodbye

He walked into the school
He forgot that he was supposed to come home for lunch and we waited and waited and waited. Finally we discovered that he was sitting with all the other kids who stay for lunch and was eating applesauce (his afternoon snack).
Owen: Mama, why did you only pack me applesauce for lunch
Mama: The applesauce is your afternoon snack. You wanted to come home for lunch remember?
Owen: Oh Yeah.
Owen: Mama, how come I did not have 3 recesses?
Mama: Because school is not over yet, you are going back after lunch and you will have another recess in the afternoon
Owen: OK But when do I have my afternoon snack? And what will I have?
Mama: Your teacher will let you know when snack time is and I will pack you another snack
Owen: This grade one stuff is pretty confusing!

She was upset that she forgot about
her backpack and demanded to go back to school with it on

She walked and walked and walked with her backpack on

He rode his bike to school for the afternoon session (after lunch)

He left school very happy!

We visited with my Grandma Beryl

He took photos

We played by the beach in Barrie

With Madison

And with Cameron

He swam with his friends in Lake Simcoe

Cameron posed for the camera with glow bracelets on

Madi twirled with her glow necklaces and bracelets on

He posed

I attempted to get all 4 kids to look at the camera

And this is as close as I came "Make a funny face for me!"

I love our tradition of celebrating the first day of school with our friends in Barrie; having a final swim in water outdoors, playing in sand, having a last picnic before the weather gets too cold. The kids had a great time playing and the mama's had a bit of time to chat.
A more perfect first day of school could not be found!