This girl...who has her daddy wrapped around her little finger
This girl...who plays Polly Pockets and Barbies
This girl...who loves her babies
This girl...who will play legos and pirates for hours just to have the chance to play with her big brother
This girl...who runs and give huge hugs and kisses to whomever walks in the door
This girl...who can turn on the charm or the tears depending on what the situation needs
This girl...who loves her nukies and bear and doggie and bunny and blanket
This girl...who says CHEESE with such vigor and gusto it looks like it hurts
This girl...who loves Dora and Yo Gabba Gabba and Toopy and Binoo
This girl...who loves to play charades and CandyLand and Cranium Cariboo
This girl...who watches herself in the mirror as I do her hair and declares I so booful
This girl...who insists on wearing a princess dress almost every day
This girl...who loves her brother and wants to do everything he does

This girl...who introduces her family to strangers in the grocery store Hi, my am Issy and dis is my frien mama.

This girl...who wants to grow up today so she can play tball and go to camp like her big brother
This girl...who is happiest when she is outside
This girl...who says I did a pee-pee when she needs to use the bathroom
This girl...who at 2 1/2 years old is fully toilet trained even through the night
This girl...who is a complete bandaid addict
This girl...who loves yogurt and grapes and chicken and strawberries and noodles
This girl...who says Mama, I neeeeeed you
This girl...who I carried for 9 months
This my girl!
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