Snow Day - Boxing Day - Christmas with the Gills Day - Perfect Day
Here are some of my favourite shots of this busy, wonderful day
Building Igloo
Playing countless games of Trouble with Nana and Daddy
The Kids
Reading books
Adrian and I strive to teach Owen about the world, to care about others less fortunate, to understand why we recycle and compost, to value nature and love animals and to protect and nurture this wonderful world we live in. I was so thrilled to see this amazing globe while shopping in Toys R Us, it is hollow plastic with sponge continents. Owen and I spread on chia seeds and then fill the world with water and watch it grow. We rotate the globe so it gets even sunlight, mist it to keep it moist and delight when the first seeds start to sprout. So very glad to see these kind of meaningful toys alongside the trains and dolls and commercialism.
It has been a long tradition in the Gill Family to see a pantomime at Christmastime. Last year, the boys Owen and Logan were old enough to attend and had such fun...a new phase of the tradition was started. This year was Cinderella and Ross Petty did not disappoint. Lots of laughs, lots of sillyness, lots of audience interaction, perfect pantomime. My favourite parts of the day though, was seeing the boys delight in the excitement of new and different experiences. Walking along a high wall, riding the escalator, having fun with a light up wand and looking in the Christmas windows of the Bay. It was a truly perfect day.
The photos you get when you ask 2 five year olds to pose nicely in front of a Christmas tree:
1 comment:
How did the Chia Globe turn out? Did you take any more photos?
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