We have a lot of family that live quite far away; my sister at University in London, my brother and his family are in Arizona, Adrian’s cousins and aunt are in England. We like to keep in touch and so we spend a lot of time on the phone. Naturally, the kids like to mimic this and for quite some time Owen will have conversations with his grandparents and a few others on the phone.
Being a child, his attention span is rather short and after a few words he would generally just put the phone down on whatever flat surface was close to him and walk away, leaving the other party “hanging”. So we started to work on a polite way to wrap up and close a conversation. One day, while on the phone to Daddy, Owen was giving me those eyes, the eyes that say “I want to be done” and I told him to tell daddy I love you and then say goodbye.
Well…a new Owen-ism was born. Now, whenever he is done with a conversation he utters iloveyouandgoodbye all bunched together as if it was one word and then hands the phone to the nearest adult and runs off to do whatever had piqued his interest. Conversations are lasting longer and longer these days, but always end with a heartfelt ILoveYouAndGoodbye.
Today was the 5th day of school. I call home at noon most days to have a quick chat with Owen. Here is how today’s conversation went:
me How was school?
him Good. And I am watching Scooby Doo on my little TV (personal DVD player)
me: Did you get my note?
him: Yup and I got a sticker from Mrs. Fraser
me: That is great, what was the sticker for?
him: for how to know how to sit on the right bench (only day 5 and he already has the lay of the land - proud of you little buddy)
me: Good job sweetheart! I am glad you are happy and had a good day.
him: Know what?
me: What?
him: There was 3 juniors today. And know what?
me: What?
him: They RAN
me: Oh. Did you run?
him: Nope. There’s a Class Agreement on the wall and know what?
me: What?
him: It says we will use our walking feet in school and know what?
me: What?
him: That means no running. And know what?
me: What?
him: We had a pretend fire drill. I love you and goodbye!
And before I could say bye or ask about this exciting part of his day, he was gone. As he was handing the phone to Nora I heard him say:
him It’s mama, and she’s all yours! (precocious little monkey)
him Good. And I am watching Scooby Doo on my little TV (personal DVD player)
me: Did you get my note?
him: Yup and I got a sticker from Mrs. Fraser
me: That is great, what was the sticker for?
him: for how to know how to sit on the right bench (only day 5 and he already has the lay of the land - proud of you little buddy)
me: Good job sweetheart! I am glad you are happy and had a good day.
him: Know what?
me: What?
him: There was 3 juniors today. And know what?
me: What?
him: They RAN
me: Oh. Did you run?
him: Nope. There’s a Class Agreement on the wall and know what?
me: What?
him: It says we will use our walking feet in school and know what?
me: What?
him: That means no running. And know what?
me: What?
him: We had a pretend fire drill. I love you and goodbye!
And before I could say bye or ask about this exciting part of his day, he was gone. As he was handing the phone to Nora I heard him say:
him It’s mama, and she’s all yours! (precocious little monkey)
I know that there are times when I wish I was a 4 year old and could utter a quick ILoveYouAndGoodbye and hang up. (but not when I am talking to you of course...hee hee)
I Love You All & Goodbye (for now)
Jen xoxo
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