Thursday, May 22, 2008

A very good blog...

For all the great mamas out there that I know…all the mamas who want to spend quality time with kids…all the mamas who never have enough time…all the mamas who want to be "perfect"…all the mamas who never feel adequate…all the mamas whose children just want to play…this is the blog for you…

The woman who writes this blog is straight from the 1900's…she sews…she knits…she quilts…she bakes (from scratch)…she plants things in dirt outside…BUT she is also so very modern…she blogs…she is an author…she has a store.

When I read her blog it reminds me of the kind of mama I want to be…the kind of mama I wish I had the patience and time and skill to be…then I think…there are some things here (like having a picnic on the lawn with popcorn and apple slices) that do not take time or skill or
patience…and I think...I can be this kind of mama…I am this kind of mama...

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