We are enjoying being back at home and playing outside in the warmth of the sum. Owen has re-discovered his roller blades and is thoroughly enjoying rolling around on them. He loves putting on all the protective gear; helmet, elbow pads and knee pads. After playing around the house we ventured out into the town for our first family bike ride with Isabelle. We have been on the hunt for an infant helmet, so if anyone knows where to get one please let us know. We rode to the park and the kids had a blast on the swings and slide. It was a big day of firsts for little Izzy..first bikeride…first slide…luckily she survived both ok and we did not end up with her first trip to emerg or anything more alarming.

Sadly the warm days are getting fewer and shorter , I am glad that we are taking advantage of the warm weather while we have it.
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