Thursday, October 30, 2008
We were quite lucky to snag tickets on a Halloween train last weekend. Adrian had to work late and could not make it, so I took Owen’s friend Jackson. The kids got all dressed up and had a blast. We met up with Andrea, Madison and Cameron. We all had a spooky good time!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
nothing better...

Nothing better…than waking up in my own bed surrounded by my family…all four of us snugged right in under warm covers but feeling the cool air from the open window on my face.
Nothing better…than listening to Owen's imaginary conversations as he plays with his lego.
Nothing better…than a shorter commute to work since my office moved a few weeks ago.
Nothing better…than hearing Isabelle say “I uv you too mama”.
Nothing better...than starting a new book.
Nothing better…than getting a package in the mail full of wonderful new scrapbook supplies.
Nothing better...than texting with Kaitlin to keep in touch. We had a great conversation last night and it reminded me how much I miss my sister.
Nothing better…than the first snowfall of the season yesterday and the delight in the kids eyes as they look out at the falling flakes.
Nothing better…than a mid-week date with my hubby tonight. We are going to The Who concert in Hamilton.
Nothing better...than logging into my brother's blog and seeing a new post with pics of the kids. Arizona is so very far away. xo to all 6 of you.
Nothing better…than a planned weekend trip to a pumpkin farm for hay rides and corn mazes and face painting…oh the memories we will create!
Nothing better…than watching my two pj clad kids scooched together on the couch giggling as they watched the garbage truck this morning.
Nothing better…than free lunch at work…salad and baked chicken today…yummy.
Nothing better…than Adrian getting a little bit of good news at work yesterday after so much uncertainty and worry.
Nothing better...than seeing Owen get it. We have sponsored a child the same age as Owen in Zimbabwe as part of celebrating his birthday and he is very interested in what Butho's life is like, what he eats, who he plays with...and to see the empathy and concern on his face as he grasps some of the differences in his own life and that of Butho's…seriously there is nothing better!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Dear Owen,
You turned five last week and I have been thinking over the past month just how grown up you are. You just started going to public school and love Senior Kindergarten. You are reading very well and share daddy’s and my love of books. You are getting a little bit of freedom and are allowed to “call on” your friends on the street. You are a wonderful big brother and love Isabelle so very much. You have started to answer the phone and have long conversations with your grandparents. You love to be outside and spend many hours riding your bike or scooter, playing at the park or bouncing on the trampoline. You take both swimming and gymnastics lessons and enjoy the physical activity. You enjoy watching TV and playing video games on your DS game system. You have so many facets to your personality; you are affectionate and cuddly, you are funny and silly, you are serious and focused, you are a good friend, a great brother and a wonderful son. I love you buddy…mama. xoxo
You turned five last week and I have been thinking over the past month just how grown up you are. You just started going to public school and love Senior Kindergarten. You are reading very well and share daddy’s and my love of books. You are getting a little bit of freedom and are allowed to “call on” your friends on the street. You are a wonderful big brother and love Isabelle so very much. You have started to answer the phone and have long conversations with your grandparents. You love to be outside and spend many hours riding your bike or scooter, playing at the park or bouncing on the trampoline. You take both swimming and gymnastics lessons and enjoy the physical activity. You enjoy watching TV and playing video games on your DS game system. You have so many facets to your personality; you are affectionate and cuddly, you are funny and silly, you are serious and focused, you are a good friend, a great brother and a wonderful son. I love you buddy…mama. xoxo
Almost Two
Dear Isabelle,
You are almost two and are growing up so quickly. You are changing right before my eyes. You are speaking in sentences now “Mama, milk please.” You adore your brother and want to do everything he does “My turn”. You are at this funny inbetween stage, so grown up yet so tiny still. You want to choose and put on your own clothing and scream “No” if we try to help. You want to be picked up and cuddled and carried “Up” when you are tired. You like to know where everyone is and ask “Where dada? Where Owen? Where Mama?” when someone in the family is not in the room. You are a very sweet girl who loves her babies. You like to climb in the doll stroller and doll bed and pretend to be a baby yourself. Most often you can be found with a bottle or NUKie in your mouth carrying around bear or lambie or blanket. You have such spunk and already know your own mind. I cannot believe that you are going to be two years old in a few weeks. I love you so much and am proud to be your mama. xoxo
Monday, October 20, 2008
Clearly not blogging much this month...we have been busy! Owen's birthday, Thanksgiving, gettin ready for Halloween, kids joint birthday party...and all the regular stuff of life thrown in there too. I am hoping to get caught up this week, post some pics, relay some cute stories. But for is another digital scrapbook page I did of pictures taken Thanksgiving weekend at the cottage.
Click on the pic for a larger one to read the text.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Digital Scrapbooking
I will not be posting much this week, it is just a busy week in general...Adrian is away in North Carolina (Sunday - Thursday)...I am taking an online course in Digital Scrapbooking...and I have lots going on at work. I did want to share with you 2 scrapbook layouts I did in this course. One is of Owen's nightly routine - which I blogged a week or so ago...the other is a great picture from the cottage.
If you want to read the journaling or see more detail, click on the picture and it will bring up a larger one that is more detailed.

If you want to read the journaling or see more detail, click on the picture and it will bring up a larger one that is more detailed.

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