Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Head & Shoulders - June 28
Isabelle is so interested in knowing the name for everything...and has learned most of her body parts...she very proudly will point when asked...it is quite sweet and oh so clever.
Teeth...just don't get too close, she has become a chomper lately. Owen warns everyone, "if she comes at you with her mouth open...RUN FOR YOUR LIFE"
Soccer - First Game - June 3rd
What can I say about soccer this season? We have had ups and downs...lots of excitement pre-season...less excitement once the season started. Owen favourite parts of soccer are...shaking hands at the end of the game, refreshment time, being goalie.
Pre-Game Drills
Our other little soccer player...she runs onto the field to kick the ball every chance she gets
Practicing in the net:
Owen is the first light blue in the line...

UPDATE JULY 22 - last night was our 7th game and Owen played "out" for a whole quarter. I know that there are only halves in soccer, but the coaches switch the players half way through each half...so he played for 1 quarter in goal and 1 quarter "out"...and he KICKED the ball for the first time. This is really huge for him. He does really wonderfully in practice and playing on the weekend with Daddy...but has not wanted to participate at all in the games, except as a goalie. We are not sure if he finds the crowd around the ball intimidating...or if he just likes crouching mid-field picking weeds...or if he just does not really know what to do...but this week, for the very first time, he ran with the crowd (encouraged by his wonderful coach) and kicked the ball. We are so proud of you buddy!!!
UPDATE JULY 22 - last night was our 7th game and Owen played "out" for a whole quarter. I know that there are only halves in soccer, but the coaches switch the players half way through each half...so he played for 1 quarter in goal and 1 quarter "out"...and he KICKED the ball for the first time. This is really huge for him. He does really wonderfully in practice and playing on the weekend with Daddy...but has not wanted to participate at all in the games, except as a goalie. We are not sure if he finds the crowd around the ball intimidating...or if he just likes crouching mid-field picking weeds...or if he just does not really know what to do...but this week, for the very first time, he ran with the crowd (encouraged by his wonderful coach) and kicked the ball. We are so proud of you buddy!!!
Treats - June 28
Isabelle has discovered a love of marshmallows. Here are a few pics I was able to grab as she snuck a treat and then climbed into the cupboard to hide while she enjoyed it...funny girl.

Another favourite place for our little climber is to sit on the counter while I cook or put dishes away. I am sure the time will come soon when she will not be able to sit straight up without hitting her head on the cupboards.

Gotta love the little chicklit teeth
Making Jam - June 25
With all the fruit and juice and gooiness related with jam making, I was impressed that Owen actually got right in there and really helped. To date he has not tasted it...but there is lots left...we are hopeful.

We made about 10 jars and he has happily shared it with his grandparents and friends...we hope you are enjoying the fruits of our labour.
Berry Picking - June 21
We went strawberry picking. Trying to promote healthy eating and thought that some visits to local farms would be a great way to start. Owen loves to eat strawberry jam when we go to restaurants, must be something about the little packages. He has never touched a real strawberry, but I had high hopes for our little trip. Get him picking, making jam...maybe he will eat one. Did this happen you ask? NOPE! Owen decided that picking was too gross, he saw the hands of a few people picking before us and they were covered in red berry juice...not for my boy. So he asked if he could be the official photo-gruffer. He snapped some really great shots and true to his word, did not touch a berry the entire 90 minutes we were at the farm.
Rows and Rows of wonderful berries:
A bright red berry:
One of the many full baskets of berries we picked that warm day:
The only pictures I have of Owen from that day were taken on the drive home. We drove by a farm and there were some cows grazing very close to the road...so we pulled over and watched them for a while...Owen kept leaning out of the window moo-ing very loudly to get their attention...a few times a cow would glance his way...it was pretty cool.
Last day of school - June 20th
Owen had his last day at Blaisdale Montessori school...notice the sweaters and long pants...it was a very cool morning. We have decided with our separate and hectic travel schedules, that it was in the best interest of the whole family to hire a live-in nanny. As a result, we have pulled the kids out of their school. This decision was one of the hardest we have ever made and even harder because we do not believe it is in the best interest of the kids...but in the best interest of the family as a whole...tough one for us to make. ANYWAY...Owen's last day of school was sad for him and us. We gave him free reign over the camera and he took over 300 pics in the space of a few hours. Pictures of his friends, his classroom, the playground and so much more. I plan (when I have some free time - haha) to make a book of the best 20-30 of these pics for him.
Owen and Mme. Doris - French Teacher
Owen and Miss Scott - Teacher's Assistant
Owen and Mrs. Zylstra - Casa Teacher
Funny Faces (Ra'Esa, Rosalie, Kendall, Owen, Darren & Ethan) Hamming it up for the camera:
"This is the important stuff I don't want to forget mom"...quote from Owen as he snapped pics of stairs, no parking signs and fire extinguishers...
His view of the art on the walls:
Owen's classroom:
Owen and a bunch of classmates below the sign to the entrance of the school:
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