We enrolled Owen in soccer this year, it is the first year that he could join and with Adrian's passion and it only made sense to get him in. Owen is one of the youngest on the team being an October baby and so his attention span is not quite where it needs to be for an hour and a half of soccer (1/2 hour practice and then 1 hour game). When playing in the yard or in the field across the road he is wonderful...loves to run and kick the ball and almost always remembers not to touch the ball with his hands...he certainly is quick to remind anyone else who dares to touch it so it is clear he knows the rules.
On the soccer field Owen can be found making friends with children on the other team, running with his shirt covering his face, darting for the park, doing circles around the goal post, standing still in the middle of the field waiting for an apology after someone bumped him during a scuffle or sitting at the sidelines having another sip of his drink.

In the first game he made contact with the ball and ran with it down the length of the field; howeve this level of involvement or interest has yet to be repeated. Adrian and I keep focussing on the teamwork aspect and having fun. The games are simply a blast to watch so if you are in the area stop on by...I am certain you will have as much fun as we do.
After his last soccer game we asked him what his 3 favourite parts were. Here are his answers:
#1 - going to the park (the soccer field is in a school yard and there is an amazing park attached)
#2 - going to the bathroom (there is a grotty port-a-potty which he insists on visiting at least twice every game)
#3 - refreshment time

We then clarified our question and asked him what was his favourite about the actual soccer game and he put a finger to his lips and thought for a moment..."um...nothing about playing but I like the shaking hands at the end 'cause it is teamwork". That's my boy!
~official soccer mom~